Para-badminton is open to athletes with a physical impairment who compete in men’s and women’s singles, men’s and women’s doubles and mixed doubles across 6 different sport classes:
Wheelchair Sport Classes – WH1 and WH2
Standing Sport Classes – SL3, SL4 and SU5
Short Stature Sport Class – SH6
To be placed into a sport class athletes must complete the classification process. For a summary guide on eligible impairments and more detail on the different sport classes CLICK HERE and the minimal impairment criteria for each of the sport classes is described in the BWF Classification Regulations.
Players who compete in wheelchairs and those with the most significant impairments compete on a half court with all remaining classes and doubles events using the full court. A match consists of the best of three games. A game is won by the first to score 21 points.