Coaching During Lockdown, A Coaches Reflection

Jeff Tho, National Senior Coach at Badminton Australia is someone who is used to dealing with adversity, challenge and change. Jeff has represented Australia at Commonwealth Games 2010 & 2014, as well as coaching at the most recent World Championships in 2019. Jeff found himself in a unique situation where he was able to coach during Melbourne’s multiple lockdowns, however it wasn’t as easy as rocking up to the courts and training.

“The tricky part of training during the lockdowns was the fact that planning wasn’t really a realistic option. What I mean is that we could plan but the chance that things would change between Monday and Wednesday was very high and so I found it fairly frustrating when we had to change things last minute”. Jeff went on “It wasn’t only frustrating for me but also for the players because they had to deal with these last minute cancellations or limitations on numbers of players allowed to attend. Ultimately it showed us how lucky we have been in being able to train the way we had before, and, that overall we were lucky to train full stop because there were plenty of athletes that were unable to train at all”

Another challenge that arose during 2020 was the lack of tournaments and opportunities to compete outside of the training group. Not a problem unique to badminton at all but a problem not ever experienced by many, “I tried to keep focused on what we were working on so that it didn’t get too repetitive for the players. We mixed up the sessions so that there was a bit more variety when it came to training, but as a whole it did begin to feel a bit repetitive after a while. Rather than just let that simmer we went to the players directly for their thoughts and how they thought we could improve their training. They came back with some great solutions that helped us get through a tough period and helped motive them more, but now we’re on the other side and things are looking up”

After going through that period Jeff was pretty clear on key learnings that he took away after some reflection, and these ideas can be applied to any coach at any level. “For me three tips for developing and improving after looking back at 2020 are to trust your instincts when it comes to what’s important for the athletes. Even though 2020 was different, the goals don’t change, so you just need to adapt. Being open to feedback and grabbing ideas from other coaches as well as asking your athletes is key to progressing your skills as a coach. We’re not all born with coaching knowledge, the great coaches are great learners who are constantly filling up their toolkits, and to always be learning is to always be improving. Finally, asking for help when you need it, the sign of a great coach is someone who knows when they’re out of their depth and need some help, so never be afraid to ask”.

Jeff is looking forward continuing to work with many of the high performance athletes and all now have an eye to tournaments returning, both within Australia and internationally.



Badminton Australia

Level 2 Sports House

375 Albert Rd, Albert Park VIC 3206

National Events Prospectus’ Released

Badminton Australia is pleased to share the prospectus’ for both the 2021 YONEX Australian Bendigo Invitational and the 2021 YONEX Australian Combined National Championships.

Both events will take place in Bendigo in September, the 2021 YONEX Australian Bendigo Invitational will run from the 16th of September through till the 19th of September at Bendigo Stadium.

The 2021 YONEX Australian Combined National Championships will run from the 24th of September till the 2nd of October and will combine individual championships for U/15, U/17 U/19 and Senior age groups to be played at the Bendigo Eaglehawk Badminton Stadium.

Please find below links to each prospectus, early bird pricing will close on the 17th of August for the 2021 YABI, and the 24th of August for the 2021 YACNC so get in now!!

2021 YONEX Australian Bendigo Invitational Prospectus

2021 YONEX Combined National Championships Prospectus



Badminton Australia

Level 2 Sports House

375 Albert Rd, Albert Park VIC 3206

Badminton Australia Strategic Plan Released

A sport for life, for anyone, anywhere, anytime

National Strategic Plan launched for 2021-2024


Together with the Badminton State and Territory organisations Badminton Australia launches the new National Badminton Strategic Plan for 2021 – 2024. This new plan is the culmination of work during 2020/2021 to set the course for the growth for badminton in Australia over the coming years

The plan will shape the development of badminton in Australia over into the future provides a horizon over the next 12 years to 2032.

With a rapidly changing landscape, accelerated by the impact of Covid-19, the charting of the direction of badminton in Australia is key outcome of the plan.

Badminton Australia President Andrew Greenway said – “This plan builds on the growth of Badminton over the past few years and charts a path for Badminton’s ongoing success into the future. We are proud that this plan was developed together with the Badminton community and excited about the future”.

The plan has been developed for the Badminton community to:

Provide vision and direction

Identify the RALLYing values of badminton – Real collaboration, Achieving as a team, Leadership, Lots of Fun and Yes to inclusion

Set the sports BASEline for growth – Build the community, Always high performing, Support capacity & capability and Elevate business & profile

Guide the future growth and capacity of badminton

Encourage co-ordination co-operation and capacity of badminton

Ensure badminton’s sustainability for the future in ever changing and developing world can be maximised

Chief Executive Officer Jamie Parsons said – “It is an exciting time for Badminton into the future, the development of this plan is a great example of how the entire badminton community can work together to succeed into the future”.

“Together with the State and Territory Badminton organisations we were able to gain input through the completion of over 700 submissions and survey responses that helped to develop the plan – this has been a true badminton community collective effort”.

“It is important that as we turn the strategy into operational planning that the plan is governed and measured on a regular basis to ensure our whole sport can be on a path together to achieve the vision for Badminton in Australia as A sport for Life for Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime”.

For more information on the Strategic plan please click here –




Badminton Australia

Level 2 Sports House

375 Albert Rd, Albert Park VIC 3206

Notice Of Special General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting (SGM) of Badminton Australia Limited will be held via video teleconference on Wednesday 17th March 2021 at 4.40pm for a 4.45pm Melbourne Time.

AGENDA – The sole item of business as approved by the Badminton Australia Board is for the appointment of the Company Auditor for 2020/2021.

BUSINESS – The business of the SGM shall be to:

(i)      Appointment of Company Auditor for 2020/2021

VOTING – Only a voting delegate from each of the State/Territory Members is able to vote. Any other member type can register to attend the SGM as an observer.

QUESTIONS FROM VOTING and LIFE MEMBERS – Questions regarding the appointment of the auditors can be submitted in writing to the Chief Executive Officer at least seven days prior to the Special General Meeting (note that in addition to the SGM the Badminton Australia CEO will present on the process regarding the recommendation of auditor at the regular Badminton Australia/States/Territories February 17, 2021 meeting).


An agenda and papers will be available to voting and eligible members by 3 March 2021.

Badminton Australia looks forward to hosting the SGM and seeing attendees at the meeting.

Jamie Parsons – Chief Executive Officer
Badminton Australia
Dated:  14 February 2021




Badminton Australia

Level 2 Sports House

375 Albert Rd, Albert Park VIC 3206

Announcement Regarding U17 National Championships (incl. June Bevan Team Trophy)

Badminton Australia regretfully announces that the 2021 Under 17 National Championships (including June Bevan Team Trophy) have been postponed. The event was planned to be held in Perth, WA in April 2021 but due to the ongoing risks, restrictions and travel challenges relating to COVID-19 around Australia the difficult decision has been made to put the event on hold.

Badminton Australia has made this decision in close consultation with the State and Territory Badminton organisations and considering what is in the best interests of the health and wellbeing of participants. Whilst we know this will be disappointing for many people in the Australian badminton community, Badminton Australia, and the States and Territory organisations felt it important to make this decision in a timely way, rather than closer to the event.

Badminton Australia CEO Jamie Parsons said We wish to thank everyone in the badminton community for their patience, fortitude and support through these very challenging times. We look forward to the event running in the second half of 2021”

For further information about the 2021 Calendar can be found by clicking here




Badminton Australia

Level 2 Sports House

375 Albert Rd, Albert Park VIC 3206

2021 Australian Badminton Falcons Announced

As part of the new High Performance System for Australian Badminton, Badminton Australia are delighted to announce our first intake of athletes to be part of the National Senior Program and National Development Program and become Australia’s first ‘Australian Badminton Falcons’ and ‘Australian Badminton Junior Falcons’.

Please note that that Selection Committees determined to not fill all available positions. The selectors are very keen to reward athletes that produce strong results and the remaining places will be filled via a second intake during 2021 once more results are able to be considered.

Congratulations to the following players, their coaches and clubs being accepted into the first intake for 2021:

National Senior Program

Hsuan Yu Wendy Chen QLD Sunnybank Hills Badminton Club
Kaitlyn Ea VIC Infinity
Keith Edison QLD Sunnybank Hills Badminton Club / Sports Affairs Badminton Club
Setyana Florensia Mapasa NSW Tumou Badminton Club
Tiffany Ho NSW NBC
Anthony Joe ACT Northside Badminton Club
Sylvinna Kurniawan NSW NBC
Simon Leung QLD Griffith Badminton Association
Yingxiang Lin WA Perth Elite Badminton Academy
Louisa Ma VIC Badminton Academy of Victoria
Tran hoang Pham NSW NBC
Milain Ranasinghe WA Perth Elite Badminton Academy
Jacob Schueler VIC Ocean Grove Badminton Club
Gronya Somerville VIC Play Badminton
Nathan Tang VIC Glen Waverley Badminton Centre
Mitchell Wheller QLD Dragon Badminton Club
Jack Yu QLD Dragon Badminton Club
Angela Yu QLD Dragon Badminton Club

 National Development Program

Rio Agustino NSW NBC
Majan Almazan NSW NBC
Ryan Venpin VIC Infinity Badminton Association
Angie Liu NSW NBC
Gavin Ong SA Glenelg Badminton Club
Julian Lee WA ANYU Badminton Academy
Bernice Teoh WA ANYU Badminton Academy
Ricky Tang NSW DASH
Priska Kustiadi NSW NBC
Carina Sam NSW DASH
Kayson Goh VIC Pro Badminton Academy
Otto Zhao VIC HP Badminton
Sydney Go VIC HP Badminton
Asher Ooi NSW Sydney Jets Badminton
Dania Nugroho SA St Peters Old Collegiate Badminton Club
Timothy Sentosa WA ANYU Badminton Academy
Joanne Zheng WA ANYU Badminton Academy
Sydney Tjonadi NSW Alpha/KBC NSW
Catrina Tan SA Sturt Badminton Club
Jazmine Lam VIC Pro Badminton Academy
Yee-Yuan Lim VIC Infinity Badminton Assoication
Shrey Dhand VIC Play Badminton
Thomas Ng VIC Western Suburbs Badminton Association
Fredrick Zhao VIC Pro Badminton Academy
Maureen Wijaya NSW NBC
Isabella Yan NSW NBC

The Badminton community can support the Falcons by becoming a ‘Falcons Supporter’ all proceeds go to supporting the Falcons, Junior Falcons and Para Falcons – click here for more information –



Badminton Australia

Level 2 Sports House

375 Albert Rd, Albert Park VIC 3206

International Competition Resumes For Aussie Pair

After a year of no international competition our first Australian players ventured overseas to Thailand to take part in the first BWF tournaments, the YONEX Thailand Open and TOYOTA Thailand Open.

Gronya Somerville and Setyana Mapasa were required to isolate themselves for the duration of the tournament with limited outside time.

You can follow the full results at tournament software or watch the event replays on BWF TV.

You can check out how both of them spent their spare time on their social media pages, @gronyasommerville and @setyanam.

Photo Credit: BadmintonPhoto



Badminton Australia

Level 2 Sports House

375 Albert Rd, Albert Park VIC 3206

Selection Committees Finalised!

As part of the implementation of the new High Performance System for Australia please note the following Selection Committee appointments. You can find out more about the new High Performance System for Australia by clicking here and the Badminton Australia Selection Policy can be found by clicking here.

Senior Program and Senior Teams Selection Committee

Ashley Naumann (Chair)

Andrew Surman (3 year appointment)

Renuga Veeran (2 year appointment)

Ken Hoppen (1 year appointment)

Stuart Brehaut (National Head coach)

Development Program and Junior Teams Selection Committee

Ashley Naumann (Chair)

Mathew Chau (3 year appointment)

Renuga Veeran (2 year appointment)

Brandon Olver (1 year appointment)

The Committees shall select players into the national programs and for national teams. These are important roles for the success of Badminton into the future and we would like to thank everyone who put their names forward to be considered for the Committees.



Badminton Australia

Level 2 Sports House

375 Albert Rd, Albert Park VIC 3206

A New Brand For Badminton in Australia

To watch click here –


The 15th of December 2020 marks a significant day for Badminton in Australia with the launch of a new brand for Badminton Australia and the state & territory associations, a new tagline for badminton in Australia, an official team for Australian Badminton teams, a new mascot and a new website focused at three segments of badminton.

Attending the event were key badminton community members, stakeholders, partners, administrators and supporters of badminton. In a unique twist the launch was performed on Zoom, in line with the tone of 2020, and was a smooth and successful launch.

Badminton Australia’s new logo, Falcons mascot and Australian Badminton Falcons logo

At 2pm on the 15th of December, 2020 ABC News Breakfast host Georgie Tunny MC’d the launch of the new brand walking the audience through the swathe of new additions to badminton.  Minister for Sport, and longtime badminton fan, the Honorable Richard Colbeck was excited to be part of the launch. He cut the proverbial tape making the brand official for Badminton Australia and the state and territory associations.

Gronya Somerville and Julian Lee represented the players and launched The Australian Badminton Falcons along with the new mascot to the community. Gronya said of the new Badminton Falcons brand that “It’s going to bring the badminton community together” and that it “will be a great change going forward, putting badminton up with the other larger sports”. Julian was asked by Georgie about his goals and what it means to represent Australia with a new brand. He said “I’m excited and will be extremely proud to represent my country internationally” before revealing the new Falcons mascot.

Logos of State’s & Territories along with the new tagline, Let’s Play

Badminton Australia President Andrew Greenway presented the new tagline for badminton, “Let’s Play”. He reflected on the journey badminton had undertaken over the last decade and was positive that big things were to come for badminton. The new brand and the tagline “Let’s Play” was designed to reflect the contemporary and progressive approach for Badminton Australia going forward.

Rounding out the presentation was CEO Jamie Parsons who spoke of how bringing together the country under the new branding, tagline and website was an extremely positive step forward for badminton. Jamie said “Along with the new brand, Badminton Australia will be releasing a new strategic plan to take us through to 2032” and that “the release of the new brand, the new pathway and new era for badminton will inspire the 12 years olds of today who will be competing at a potential home games in 2032”.

You can watch the full launch here –



Badminton Australia

Level 2 Sports House

375 Albert Rd, Albert Park VIC 3206


Louisa Ma – maintaining human connection

Australia’s aspiring Olympian, Louisa Ma, spent the latter half of 2019 travelling around the world, collecting qualification points for the Road to Tokyo 2020; breaking into the world’s top 100 for the first time in November 2019.

However, the 25-year-old spent more than half of 2020 in one of Australia’s worst hit hotspots – Melbourne.

“I haven’t stepped foot in a gym for about six months. Thankfully, there have been a couple of times that I was granted permission to attended a badminton session”, says Louisa.Little did Louisa know that in the month’s following her silver podium finish at the VICTOR Oceania Championships 2020, she would have very limited access to badminton courts due to a global health pandemic.

Tired after spending the previous year scrambling around the world, lockdown had a silver lining – an opportunity to rest and recover. However, the isolation and time away from friends came with a price.

“It was a good chance to recover from some small issues I’ve been having. However, there are a lot of things I’ve missed during lockdown, like more court time, seeing friends and just getting out and about.

“But humans are resilient and it’s amazing to see how so many people have moved to adapt to our current conditions”

“There has been a big emphasis on maintaining the human connection and being stuck at home has allowed for people to ‘slow down’, spend more time with family, call and check in with friends and a focus on maintaining mental health”

As experienced by several other athletes across the world, the forever changing status of COVID-19 made it hard to stick to a routine. While players like Oliver Leydon-Davis (New Zealand) turned to books and methods of positive self-talk, Louisa trialed various routines to find the perfect balance between work, home-based trainings and video calling friends to keep morale high.

“The restrictions changed frequently, which was frustrating. However, living in Melbourne, I’ve had the opportunity to try out many different routines by now, so I know how to conduct my week and figure out what sorts of things work well for me”, says Louisa

Para badminton player, Celine Vinot, also live in Melbourne and shared similar frustrations to Louisa. After making fast progressions in Oceania’s Para badminton space, Vinot struggled to capitalise on her momentum – but a sponsorship deal managed to keep her motivated

Last week, Victoria celebrated a significant drop in COVID-19 cases resulting in relaxing laws and border controls. Both players are ‘looking forward to’ and feeling optimistic about a prompt return to the court.