Badminton Australia

Sport Australia Resources

The Clearinghouse for Sport should be any coach, administrator, volunteer’s go to resource for the latest news, innovations, insights and trends of sport in Australia. The Clearinghouse offers access to a knowledge base in High Performance, Organised Sport, Sport Participation. Other resources include access to collaboration networks, conference presentations, podcasts and more. You can also sign up for the free newsletter and get all the latest news from around the country in one daily message, sign up here.

Click here to visit the Clearinghouse for Sport 

The Australian Sports Commission and the Australian Institute of Sport regularly publishes data on megatrends in sport participation and elite sport in Australia. As a result there is plenty of other research, insights and data made freely available to anyone who signs up with their email address. You will get access to research papers and data that covers a variety of areas including diverse groups in sport, Women & Girls, disability in sport, ageing players and children, and plenty more! All of these resources can be useful in shaping your offerings to participants. Keeping people motivated to come back could be as simple as including some social elements within your sessions. You can read more here.